Market data; from a trading firm that lives or dies by its data quality
At LO:TECH our systems process tens of millions of messages a day, providing unparalleled granularity with tick-by-tick orderbooks, trade details, open interest figures, funding rates, and liquidation data from top crypto exchanges.
LO:TECH prioritises the accuracy and integrity of our market data
By standardising data schemas across different trading venues, we facilitate rapid, error-free decision-making and empower researchers. LO:TECH's trading business actively maintains API integrations against multiple venues, so our data service users only need to integrate against one for access to live or historic, tick-level crypto market data.
250+ Billion
Individual pieces of market data, and growing
Megabytes of data consumed and stored per hour
Individual symbols covered for all market data
"symbol": "ETH-USDT-PERP",
"collection_timestamp": 1714048114477153300,
"exchange_timestamp": 1714048114474000000,
"exchange": "BINANCE",
"data_type": "TRADES",
"base": "ETH",
"quote": "USDT",
"inst_type": "PERP",
"exchange_symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"trade_id": "108195549",
"price": 3500.75,
"amount": 25.5,
"taker_side": "buy",
"other_data": {}
Real-time, low latency websocket streams of standardised market data. Data from multiple venues, all delivered with the same data structure.
symbol | collection_timestamp | exchange_timestamp | exchange | data_type | base | quote | inst_type | exchange_symbol | trade_id | price | amount | taker_side | other_data |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668668905056 | 1719668668903000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873952 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669014400 | 1719668669012000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873953 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669124428 | 1719668669123000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873954 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669237297 | 1719668669235000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873955 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669333978 | 1719668669332000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873956 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669428669 | 1719668669427000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873957 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669538931 | 1719668669537000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873958 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01473000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669633322 | 1719668669631000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873959 | 61062.57000000 | 0.01318000 | buy | {} |
BTC-USDC-SPOT | 1719668669633327 | 1719668669631000 | BINANCE | TRADES | BTC | USDC | SPOT | BTCUSDC | 82873960 | 61062.57000000 | 0.00155000 | buy | {} |
Access historical tick-level fully built orderbooks, trades, top of books, liquidations and open interest — updated daily.
A selection of sample data covering trades and top of book can be downloaded below.
Daily CSVs
For all symbols, on all venues, t+1 daily files containing every tick for all major market data streams, presented in a standardised format and with delivery with 10 minutes of UTC midnight. Enterprise level service for users with large data requirements.
Websocket Replay
Replay historical websocket data within specific time ranges. Replayed with data from multiple streams and symbols interleaved and delivered in the sequence in which they occurred historically. Ideal for simulation working and system back-testing.
Historical API
A REST API for querying tick-level historical market data within a specific time range. All symbols from all venues return data in LO:TECH's standardised format, matching that found in our Daily CSV and Websocket Replay products.
Ready to Get Started?
LO:TECH offers tailored data plans for our enterprise clients based on the type of instrument, and whether you need historical or live access. Contact us for more information or to request a quote.